Monday, December 30, 2013

Work Time: Creative Writing

This has recently become a very popular work in our classroom.  The kids can use markers (combined with stickers) to draw a picture in the top section of the paper.  Then they bring it to me and tell me what to write.  It is absolutely adorable to watch their stories unfold.  I use a lot of prompts such as "and then what did they do?" or "so what do you think they saw?" to help them out sometimes.  But most of the time they don't even need my help to create something that is truly theirs!  

Work Time: The Hundred Board

The Hundred Board is one of the most challenging works in the classroom...which is why the kids LOVE it!  They love the opportunity to challenge themselves.  There are one hundred little tiles, each with a number 1 to 100.  Then they have to place each tile on the right number.
It often turns into a group effort (which I love)
And it is so fun to see how excited they are when they finish.  They realize that they can do hard things!!

Squeeze Art

This was another fun art exploration activity.  We cut out Christmas trees and folded them in half.  Then we put small drops of various colors of paint onto one side of the tree.  Then the fun began!  The kids had a great time just squeezing the tree in order to spread the paint around.
 Add some glitter, and...
 Aren't they so fun?!!  I felt bad sending home something covered in glitter (since we all know it just ends up all over the house), so I ended up laminating them before sending them home- which really brought out the colors.  So cute!!

Rag Painting

This was the first step in creating our Christmas Art Project.  We needed to paint the canvas blue and it just seemed like a fun excuse to explore painting with different old rags.  Who needs paint brushes?  This was WAY more fun, and gave it a very cool look.  

Work Time: 3 Period Lessons

The 3 PERIOD LESSON is a fundamental piece of Montessori lessons.  This is where we focus on and teach individual letters or numbers (but it also works for colors, shapes, etc).  We start by introducing the letters that we will be working with.

Step One:  I say, "This is G" and I have the child repeat after me.
 Step Two:  Once each of the letters has been introduced, I say "Where is W?"  This is the step that can stretch out as long as needed.  Often, I will have the child hand me the letter, or turn it over, or hide it somewhere in the classroom.  It is just a chance to reinforce the letter with the child.
Then Step Three:  I point to a letter and say "What is this?"  Then the child will say "G".  If they have problems remembering the letter, we will either repeat Step Two or work on the letters they don't know next time.

It is a wonderful way to teach children at their level and one of my favorite aspects of Montessori.  :)

Work Time: Counting Bead

This is DEFINITELY one of the most favorite works for the kids.  We call it our BEAD COUNTING work.  It is a great way to incorporate so many different facets of learning.  First, the kids choose whether or not they want to count 10, 20 or 30 beads (I often will help the kids choose based on what they are working on)
 Then they choose beads.  This is a great SENSORIAL activity.  As they get older, it's fun to watch them make patterns or choose their favorite colors.

Then comes the PRACTICAL LIFE aspect, where they work on their fine motor control (putting the beads on the necklace isn't as easy for young kids as it looks).  Then comes MATH...before I will tie up the necklace, they have to count the beads for me.  And they LOVE it.  It gives the kids daily practice counting up to 30.  Let's be honest, with so many wonderful ways to incorporate learning into just one's one of my favorite works too!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Countdown Chain

This was a wonderful activity that not only included object counting (we needed 21 links) and fine motor development (making each paper into a circle)...but it created some serious Christmas Excitement!!  :)