Monday, September 16, 2013

Our New Prize Jar

Kids love the chance to be rewarded for their good choices.  So, I am going to be adjusting the way that we do our prize jar.  Our little darlings will be able to choose something (such as stickers or a small treat) from the prize jar each time they do a lesson with me.  This allows you, the parent, the opportunity to try to discuss what we worked on together.  I will help this along, by sending home a small note letting you know that your child had a lesson and what we worked on.  This will build a wonderful continuity between home and school if you are interested in working with your child at home.

Also, the prize jar can be used to reward positive behavior in the classroom.  This could range from participating in music class to asserting themselves in helping another child.  I believe that positive recognition of social and academic growth helps to foster in each child the confidence and desire to make good choices and build strong learning habits.  

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