Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Candy Pumpkin Necklaces

 Since my preschool kids LOVE making beaded necklaces, I thought that it would be fun to switch things up and make a necklace using CANDY PUMPKINS!  Which is MUCH easier said than done.  I went through many a broken pumpkin before my wonderful husband suggested drilling the holes.  Yep!  Using an electric drill.  We super sanitized the drill bit and crossed our fingers.  Sure enough, it worked like a charm.  We had finally made holes big enough to push the plastic string through.  And the best part was how excited my ten year old son was to get to do the drilling. :)
 It took some concentration, but the kids quickly got the hang of it.  And, of course, there were a few misshapen holes (which were quickly remedied with a large sewing needle).  We added some pre-tied ribbons, just to make it cuter!
And...look how CUTE!!  Such a perfect way to compliment their collections of beaded necklaces!  :)

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