Monday, December 30, 2013

Work Time: 3 Period Lessons

The 3 PERIOD LESSON is a fundamental piece of Montessori lessons.  This is where we focus on and teach individual letters or numbers (but it also works for colors, shapes, etc).  We start by introducing the letters that we will be working with.

Step One:  I say, "This is G" and I have the child repeat after me.
 Step Two:  Once each of the letters has been introduced, I say "Where is W?"  This is the step that can stretch out as long as needed.  Often, I will have the child hand me the letter, or turn it over, or hide it somewhere in the classroom.  It is just a chance to reinforce the letter with the child.
Then Step Three:  I point to a letter and say "What is this?"  Then the child will say "G".  If they have problems remembering the letter, we will either repeat Step Two or work on the letters they don't know next time.

It is a wonderful way to teach children at their level and one of my favorite aspects of Montessori.  :)

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